Words related to category: Ts-X0 General Note: Category links were automatically generated broadly based on the gloss. As a result some links may be unrelated, which we are in the process of removing.
beex torn | beexk tear bark from a cedar tree | gyidi'oks bump | ksibe'aḵl tear out | kwda̱k shoot | kwła̱xs kick | kwłi g̱eexn crush | kwłi kwła̱a̱xs kick to pieces | kwłi yetsk pound | kwł'naa'na̱x break into pieces/broken pieces | kwłüüngyaxs stomp on | k'wa̱s break | ḵ'odza̱x break | la̱pla̱'pg̱n mix up | libag̱ayt= mixed up | nukwla̱a̱xs kick each other | p'il'oo break | sat'uus push suddenly | sihat'al get strips of cedar bark | sitxaa flatten | t'al split bark | t'uus push | ts'oo split open | xsp'o'onsk break/crackle |